Xero Account Transactions
- Please select 2 years of account transactions from Xero .
- Please select Date, Source, Description, Reference, Debit (GBP), Credit (GBP), Running Balance (GBP), Gross (GBP), VAT (GBP) columns
- Export as Excel(XLSX format).
Xero Trial Balance
- Please select Trial Balance comparing to the Last financial Year from Xero .
- The nominals you would like to compare and export as Excel(XLSX format).
- Remove any FX Columns present in the Excel file or any explaination at the bottom and Save the file .
IRIS Nominal Ledger
- Export the Client's Nominal Ledger from Clienton IRIS.
- Export Format should be EXCEL if it is csv, make sure to convert it to EXCEL.
Software can take upto 45 minutes to process the files.